Achieving Balance

Achieving Balance

Finding balance thanks to a children's toy and realizing that apples really don't fall far from the tree.

For more time then I care to disclose programming seemed akin to dark magic✨, spells ✨ and witchcraft 🧹 wielded by a select few digital sorcerers creating grand designs like something out of …post OOTF Harry Potter..


back in reality land…

I took half a second to do some research and I realized it isn't magic …duh but something I already had a lot of practice with.

Legos! …hear me out

Putting together something using {projectStarterOfYourPreference} gives off the same vibes as building this bad boy back in the day.


Stop me if this doesn't sound familiar.

  • Well produced easy to follow docs …for the mossssst part
    • Docs should be clear, concise and lots of pictures / examples. This makes bad docs stick out …Kollar på dig IKEA and overall makes me sad.
  • Modularity
    • Something from one set could be used with little to no hassle where ever I want. …within reason
  • Infinite Customizations
    • Walking the premade path is helpful and can produce awesome things but freestyling can lead to awesome things your couldn't see from the road. ...orrrr everything crashes and burns but who's counting

My inner child was having a field day with this providing all the mental gas I could ever want to tap into once I made that link because pushing cells around spreadsheets was not cutting it anymore. This got me started down the path and quickly realizing something I had been missing was a lot closer to home than I ever realized. …buckle up therapies in session

Now my dad practices the art of turning twisted metal back into a car, something I have always enjoyed on the side but it was not my path in life and I never really understood why he enjoyed it so much. Programming entered the picture later in my game than most …I had to reroll my talent tree I was more a DEX build and made me realize I really enjoy making stuff and now I have direct control of my output. No more having to be at the mercy of sales or w.e other stupid metric I had been judged against. Now if I am not producing I am not eating and that feeling is a potent motivator.

Talking with him about it the venn diagram between our reasoning might have well been a circle and confirmed to me that this is what I need to be doing.

This is still a heady feeling having my adult self and inner child balanced on what path I need to be taking making the struggles much easier to manage. Usually they are at war with each other stuck somewhere between fun and functional.

Balance is a tricky thing and hard to come by these days. By finding programming I found that balance. I may have taken an interesting path to get there but results are results …amirite?? and I am just happy to be along for the ride. I hope this inspires someone to find their path. ...with like idk an easy bake oven or something

Thanks for hanging out!